Cardiac Registry Support

MBSCR Staffing

Offset the cost of in-house staff for the MBSCR

Metabolic And Bariatric Surgery Accreditation And Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) Standard Six Defines The Criteria For Data Collection

“High-quality data is critical to inform quality improvement and to determine accreditation. All metabolic and bariatric surgical procedures must be entered into the MBSAQIP Data Registry Platform…Metabolic and Bariatric Surgical Clinical Reviewers (MBSCRs) are audited, trained data reviewers who are not directly involved in patient care.”

— MBSAQIP Resources for Optimal Patient Care of the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Patient 2014

Collection of this data is vital, but is often a challenge for many centers. Cardiac Registry Support contracts with experienced data abstractors to provide this service and ensures non-biased, timely, and accurate data abstraction.

Certification Of the MBSCR: A Requirement For Accreditation
We Guarantee Compliance With This Standard

The contracted MBSR is a vital member of the metabolic and bariatric surgery team. Ensuring compliance with the standards relating to data collection is guaranteed. The abstractor will perform quality checks to ensure accurate and timely data entry and is a valuable resource for identifying areas for process improvement. Subcontracting this key position will save program resources and allow those dollars to benefit other areas.

* Pricing is based on facility volume and contracts can be long-term or temporary for situations such as maternity leave, short term LOA or illness or to ensure ongoing data compliance during staff transition.

MBSCR Contracted Through Cardiac Registry Support

Request An Individualized Proposal. Please let us know how can we assist you.